Electronics Tutorial
of Contents)
Applying Ohm's Law ...
1. Voltage Causes Current in the most elementary 2-component voltage-controlled electric circuit (a voltage source and a resistor).
General principle: Difference causes movement.
General building blocks: pressurelike
source, impediment as a load.
General atributes: pressurelike, flowlike, impedimentlike.
Electric principle: Voltage
causes current.
Electric building blocks: ideal
voltage source, real (resistive, Ohmic) load.
Electric variables: voltage, current,
Building blocks derived: voltage-to-current converter, ideal current load.
Applications: battery charger, current loop interface.
4. Measuring a Voltage by a Current in the circuit of a compound voltage load.
Building block composed: compound voltage load (voltage-to-current converter + ideal current load).
Applications: compound voltmeter (voltage-to-current converter + ammeter), LED indicator, transistor switch.
5. Resistance Determines Current. Resistance as an input in the 3-component voltage-controlled electric circuit.
Building block derived: resistance-to-current converter.
6. Producing a Current by Varying a Resistance in the circuit of a compound resistance-controlled (RC)current source.
Building block composed: resistance controlled current source (constant voltage source + resistance-to-current converter).
Applications: rheostat, DC motor current supply.
7. Measuring a Resistance by a Current.
Building blocks composed (applications): compound ohmmeter (constant voltage source + ammeter),resistive sensors with current output (constant voltage source + resistance-to-current converter + ammeter).
8. Both Voltage and Resistance Set Current in the 3-component voltage-controlled electric circuit.
Building block derived: voltage-into-resistance divider.
Applications: R/2R ladder DAC with current output (principle).
Reversing Ohm's Law ...
9. Current Causes Voltage in the Norton elementary 2-component electric circuit (a current source and a resistor).
General principle: Movement causes difference.
General building block: flowlike source.
Electric principle: Current causes voltage.
Electric building block: ideal current source.
10. Current Causes Voltage in the more "complicated" 3-component current-controlled electric circuit (the previous 2-component circuit enlarged with an ideal voltage load).
Building blocks derived: current-to-voltage converter, ideal voltage load.
11. Producing a Voltage from a Current by the circuit of a current-controlled voltage source.
Building block composed: current controlled voltage source (ideal current source + current-to-voltage converter).
12. Measuring a Current by a Voltage in the circuit of a compound current load.
Building block composed: compound current load (current-to-voltage converter + ideal voltage load).
Applications: compound ammeter (current-to-voltage converter + voltmeter), current sensing, current feedback etc.
13. Resistance Determines Current. Resistance as an input in the 3-component current-controlled electric circuit.
Building block derived: resistance-to-voltage converter.
14. Producing a Voltage by Varying a Resistance in the circuit of a compound resistance-controlled voltage source.
Building block composed: resistance controlled voltage source (constant current source + resistance-to-voltage converter).
15. Measuring a Resistance by a Voltage.
Building blocks composed (applications): compound ohmmeter (constant current source + voltmeter), resistive sensors with voltage output (constant current source + resistance-to-voltage converter + voltmeter).
16. Both Current and Resistance Set Voltage in the 3-component current-controlled electric circuit.
Building block derived: current-by-resistance multiplier.
Applications: R/2R ladder DAC with voltage output (principle).
To be continued