circuit idea - circuit-fantasia > circuit stories |
Circuit Stories on the Whiteboard... Understand, Build and Invent Circuits!* NEW * Op-amp inverting current-to-voltage converter * NEW * |
Stories about Passive Converters |
Passive voltage-to-current converter understand - build - invent |
Passive current-to-voltage converter understand - build - invent |
Stories about Op-Amp Converters |
Op-amp ammeter made by a galvanometer understand - build - invent |
Op-amp inverting voltage-to-current converter understand - build - invent | Op-amp inverting current-to-voltage converter * NEW * understand - build - invent | ||||
Transimpedance amplifier understand - build - invent |
Inverting op-amp RC integrator understand - build - invent |
How do we create a virtual ground? understand - build - invent |
Stories about Constant Current Sources |
What is the philosophy of a constant current source? understand - build - invent |
(shortened) understand - build - invent |
(real loaded) understand - build - invent |
Simple BJT current source understand - build - invent |
Transistor current source with shifting diode understand - build - invent |
Transistor current source with shifting capacitor understand - build - invent |
Widlar op-amp current source understand - build - invent |
Inverting op-amp current source understand - build - invent |
Howland op-amp current source understand - build - invent |
Stories about Negative Resistance |
How do we make dynamic resistance? invent |
How do we make decreased, zero and negative differential resistance? invent |
How do we make decreased, zero and negative resistance? invent |
Negative impedance converter (NIC) understand - build - invent |
How to Compensate Resistive Losses by Series Connected Negative Resistor invent |
How to Compensate Losses by Parallel Connected Negative Resistor invent |
Stories about Various Op-Amp Circuits |
Current biased bridge |
circuit idea - circuit-fantasia > circuit stories |